Alvaro Nunez says farewell to Barcelona

Alvaro Nunez says farewell to Barcelona

Barcelona Atletic right-back Alvaro Nunez has said his goodbyes to the club after deciding to leave and look for a new challenge.

Nunezjoined from Athletic Bilbaolast season for the year, with the option for two more, but has decided to head away despite the lack of right-backs at the club.

Here’s what he’s had to say:

“Dear culers. It has been an unforgettable year. Not even in my wildest dreams would I have imagined the group we would form and all the moments we would live together. It has been a season of great growth, both in football and personally, and I owe that to all the teammates who have come across and have accompanied me on this path,” he said.

“Now I am starting again, with greater maturity and experience than when I arrived, and for that I can only thank you. Thank you all for making me feel at home

“Finally, I want to thank the club for the opportunity and trust, as well as their closeness and understanding at all times. I want to wish you all the luck in the future.”

“A big hug and Visca El Barca Atletic!”

According toAS, Nunez has decided to leave after Barca Atletic failed to gain promotion. The defєɴԀer felt he was unlikely to be called up to Xavi’s first team and has decided to look for a new club.

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